New Feature Releases: December 2016 to February 2017

February 2017

Add Vendor to Part Detail: in the Transaction History, you can now add a vendor to your part detail page.
Deactivate parts through the Action List: if you group together a series of parts in the Action List, you can deactivate them all at the same time by going to Options, and then Edit, and then removing the check mark showing the part is Active.
Print Details: truck information can now be included on a print bill.

Truck Export Transactions
In the Sellers’ section, in Truck Export, there is now the option to download all previous transactions within a given date range. This will help with efficiency should you need to refer to different transactions for one truck, all at the same time.

“Profit from Parts” column added in the truck profit report
If you use the Cost Allocation method in determining your profit for salvage trucks, you will find this helpful: next to the Proft column in the Truck Profit Report, there is now a column called “Profit from Parts” which will give you the profit FOR the parts you have sold off a truck. The parts NEED to have been previously associated with the truck in order for this to work. This includes Part Sales/Returns as well as Truck Non-Stock Items.

Sequencing of parts numbers with truck stock numbers
You can now associate a part to the trcuk it comes off of more efficiently and effectively: when you enter in the truck, you can configure the Settings to have the subsequent parts from that truck begin with the prefix of the truck.

Cost ($) added to Truck Breakdown Sheet
The Truck Breakdown Sheet previously had a column showing Cost (%). You are now able to include a dollar figure if you prefer. Also, if you have Cost Allocation already pre-filled in your Account Settings, it will pre-fill the form.

As always, if you have any questions about any of these, feel free to give us a call. We’ll be happy to help you out!


January 2017

Upgrade to Build Orders Page (under POST)
The changes to the Build Orders Page have made it more organized in the following manner: it can be sorted, filtered (by date, status, assignee, and key word), searchable, and exportable.

Custom Default Truck Fields
Customers can set up their own default truck fields, with an option to make these new fields required. This will ensure that truck entry staff will use the fields indicated as required. Optional fields can be overwritten or deleted on entry.

Print Packing Slip
A highly useful new feature, there is now an area for Notes on the Print Packing Slip in order to indicate who picked/packed a shipment, who the carrier is, the weight, number of pieces, etc.

We will publish more information on other new features in the coming days. As always, call us with any questions: we are here to help.


December 2016

You are now able to associate sales transactions such as quotes, invoices, sales receipts, and your credit notes to individual contacts within your customer’s account.

The contact selector, which visible on any sales transaction entry page, is powered by the contacts that already exist within your CRM. Your contacts are fully searchable by first name, last name, email address, or any phone number. This feature may be particularly useful – allowing you to track individual users when using the cash customer account – or by tracking which person is buying from you more frequently within any of your CRM companies. You can also enter new contacts quickly directly on the sales transaction page – saving directly to your CRM.

If you have any questions about this feature – please do not hesitate to contact us.

Joshua Gwozdz

Josh is the marketing and social media coordinator for TPI, and a honored "meme connoisseur". Starting in 2021, Josh was able to start creating content for the company and is thrilled to be able to share what he learns as the industry grows.

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