Five August Fun Facts

Ah yes, August.  That month when the weather is just a bit warmer, the days are still a bit longer, and you don’t really feel like doing much (so, naturally, you don’t :)).  It’s a month for travelling, hanging out, enjoying friends and family and watching wistfully as the calendar ticks its way inevitably towards the return to school and other responsibilities.  In honour of the last kick at the summer can that is the month of August, we have put together here a list of five fun facts about the month of August.  We were surprised at how interesting the month actually was and continues to be!  Take a peek:

  1.  August got its name in 8 BC from the first Roman Emperor, Augustus, who ruled the Latin roost from 27 BC until he died in AD 14;
  2. Famous birthdays celebrated in August include Barack Obama, Hulk Hogan, Ben Affleck, Robert DeNiro and Cal Ripken Jr.;
  3. On August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain;
  4. On August 16, 1977, a date that many will remember, Elivs Presley died at the age of 42;
  5.  This year, on August 4, we’ll be saying “Bottoms up!” in honour of International Beer Day, which happens to fall on the first Friday of the month.  How’s that for good timing?

Oh, and by the way, August is also International Peach Month, so enjoy those lovely fruits as much as you can, especially if you’re in Georgia!



You change your clothes.
You change your mind.
You make change.
The temperature changes.
But change your way of doing business?

We hear you: change is hard. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right? Well, that might work for Aunt Annie’s apple pie recipe (the one that wins at the State Fair Every. Single. Year.), but it won’t work for your business. Why? Because life changes, the world changes, and we, unfortunately, need to change, too. If not, we risk being left in the past: no growth, no increase in profit, a loss of competitive edge. If your business folded because you didn’t want to change, you wouldn’t like them apples so much, would you? No, we didn’t think so.

So, we hear you: change is hard. Sometimes it’s necessary however, and you just need to take that first step. We here at TPI understand your position, we’ve been in the business for over 20 solid years, and we know what you’re dealing with. Give us a call, let us share our experience and expertise, and we’ll help you change your way of doing business, one step at a time. And, hopefully, when we’re done setting you up and getting you on your way, your profit and growth will increase substantially enough that the struggle with change will disappear like Aunt Annie’s pie at the State Fair. Now, how would you like those apples? Yeah, we thought so.

Give us a call, let us tell you what we do, and we’ll see how we can help.
TPI 1-888-630-1123
Finding better ways of finding parts.