New Feature Releases: December 2016 to February 2017

February 2017

Add Vendor to Part Detail: in the Transaction History, you can now add a vendor to your part detail page.
Deactivate parts through the Action List: if you group together a series of parts in the Action List, you can deactivate them all at the same time by going to Options, and then Edit, and then removing the check mark showing the part is Active.
Print Details: truck information can now be included on a print bill.

Truck Export Transactions
In the Sellers’ section, in Truck Export, there is now the option to download all previous transactions within a given date range. This will help with efficiency should you need to refer to different transactions for one truck, all at the same time.

“Profit from Parts” column added in the truck profit report
If you use the Cost Allocation method in determining your profit for salvage trucks, you will find this helpful: next to the Proft column in the Truck Profit Report, there is now a column called “Profit from Parts” which will give you the profit FOR the parts you have sold off a truck. The parts NEED to have been previously associated with the truck in order for this to work. This includes Part Sales/Returns as well as Truck Non-Stock Items.

Sequencing of parts numbers with truck stock numbers
You can now associate a part to the trcuk it comes off of more efficiently and effectively: when you enter in the truck, you can configure the Settings to have the subsequent parts from that truck begin with the prefix of the truck.

Cost ($) added to Truck Breakdown Sheet
The Truck Breakdown Sheet previously had a column showing Cost (%). You are now able to include a dollar figure if you prefer. Also, if you have Cost Allocation already pre-filled in your Account Settings, it will pre-fill the form.

As always, if you have any questions about any of these, feel free to give us a call. We’ll be happy to help you out!


January 2017

Upgrade to Build Orders Page (under POST)
The changes to the Build Orders Page have made it more organized in the following manner: it can be sorted, filtered (by date, status, assignee, and key word), searchable, and exportable.

Custom Default Truck Fields
Customers can set up their own default truck fields, with an option to make these new fields required. This will ensure that truck entry staff will use the fields indicated as required. Optional fields can be overwritten or deleted on entry.

Print Packing Slip
A highly useful new feature, there is now an area for Notes on the Print Packing Slip in order to indicate who picked/packed a shipment, who the carrier is, the weight, number of pieces, etc.

We will publish more information on other new features in the coming days. As always, call us with any questions: we are here to help.


December 2016

You are now able to associate sales transactions such as quotes, invoices, sales receipts, and your credit notes to individual contacts within your customer’s account.

The contact selector, which visible on any sales transaction entry page, is powered by the contacts that already exist within your CRM. Your contacts are fully searchable by first name, last name, email address, or any phone number. This feature may be particularly useful – allowing you to track individual users when using the cash customer account – or by tracking which person is buying from you more frequently within any of your CRM companies. You can also enter new contacts quickly directly on the sales transaction page – saving directly to your CRM.

If you have any questions about this feature – please do not hesitate to contact us.

Doug Busbee and His South Carolina Yard

Businesses have personalities, just as people do, and these personalities take shape in different ways.  Certain businesses develop through their products, others are known for their leaders, and still others are formed out of the circumstances of a place.  Busbee’s Trucks and Parts belongs to the latter group, and its connection to the town of  Wagener, South Carolina is a deep and abiding one which owes much to its owner, Doug Busbee.

The town of Wagener, South Carolina is a small town with a population that generally hovers around 800.   Its first organization as a settlement dates back to 1887 when it was known as Pinder Town.  Later, it became Guntersville, and then, eventually, Wagener, from the last name of George Wagener, an important Charleston citizen who had helped bring the railroad through.  The family of Doug Busbee can trace its roots in South Carolina all the way back to Charleston in the 1780’s.  They have been in Wagener from the beginning and are an essential part of the town.

When he first opened in 1987, Busbee had a two-bay body shop which then grew into a slightly larger paint/body shop as well as a small auto salvage yard.  The town was sufficiently prosperous for him to rely on local traffic for business, and Busbee’s experienced a steady growth.  At that time, Wagener, like so many other places in the South, was dependent on the textile business for its survival.  The cotton business had come to South Carolina in the late nineteenth century, its factories and mills dominating much of the state’s manufacturing.  For Wagener, it was during the 1920’s that cotton became an important part of the town’s economy, and the town website states that “huge bales lined the streets awaiting departure via train.  The children of Wagener frolicked among the hay bales during their games of hide-n-seek.”  (

In 1949, the Wagener Manufacturing Corporation came into existence, starting out with the  manufacturing of shirts.  Over the years, it added other items to its product mix, including robes, sleepwear and swimwear.  At its peak in the mid-1980’s, it had about 450 employees, including many local Wagener residents and others from communities close by.  In 1999, bowing to the economic pressure of lower-cost overseas manufacturing, the company closed its doors.  The effect this closure had on Wagener was significant, and many people suffered.

For Busbee, this meant that his once reliable local market shrunk considerably.  Between the years of 1998 to 2004, there was a struggle to stay afloat.  Those were lean years, he says, and there were moments when making payroll was difficult.  The body shop eventually closed, and the scrap yard became the main source of income.  In 2006, he entered the Medium Duty Truck market, specializing in Mitsubishi FUSOs, Isuzu, and UD trucks.  He decided to slowly phase out the car salvage portion of his business, and eventually, the yard became just trucks.  Now, in 2017, Busbee has over 2000 parts trucks available for customers, and his business is solid.  This growth and stability, however, haven’t come just from deciding to focus on medium duty truck parts alone.  There was another factor that came into play, starting in 2004, that really changed everything.  And, just like switching to medium duty trucks was a risk, this second factor also involved risk, as well as seeing the need to change and adapt to new conditions.

In 2004, Busbee was introduced to the idea of putting his salvage inventory onto a website for advertising, and this first appearance on the internet was the beginning of a mighty transformation.  Almost overnight, his customer base was different.  Gone were the days of a local shop existing within the local economy.  Now, the majority of his new customers were from out-of-town and out-of-state, and his business began to grow again.  Then, more decisively, in 2008 he listened to the advice of a good friend and built his own website.  Suddenly, his business was international, and he hasn’t looked back since.   Today, in 2017, he no longer has customers in Wagener itself, and the closest one is 30 miles away.  International sales are a main feature of his business, and he even has several Spanish-speaking employees in order to serve that market better.   His ability to recognize the need to do something differently, as well as to adapt to a new way of doing things, is what allowed the strength of the internet to flourish in his company and provide a market he could not have imagined possible.

But how does this expansion into out-of-town and foreign markets fit into the image of a company that is firmly of its place and its people?  First, this foray into other markets was partly prompted by the state of the local economy, and was a response to it.  Secondly, employment.  When I asked Busbee what the main motivator was for him now as a business owner, he said simply, “Poverty.”  After the loss of the textile business, Busbee saw a deep decline in Wagener as many people lost their livelihoods and families struggled to get by.  His business was one of the few in town that managed to keep its head above water and provide some employment, but as we have seen, he suffered as well.  After 2004 however, with the growth provided by the new American markets, Busbee needed more people, and today he has 20 full-time employees and 3 part-time.  His company is one of the main employers in town, and his expansion has benefitted not just him, but the people around him.  He has also shared his experience with other businesses in Wagener, and the town has seen a growth based on opening up to other markets online.  For somebody so fully from a place, this positive influence is a fine accomplishment indeed.

Finally, Doug Busbee is not just a businessman, he is a family man, and his business practices reflect this.  Before every major holiday, there is a dinner at work. There are weekly devotionals where everyone can take a  turn delivering the message.  He encourages his employees to spend time with their families, and turnover in his shop is low because people feel connected and necessary.  Busbee has also employed students part-time over the years, mentoring them inside and outside of working hours, taking them camping, fishing, etc.  Some have become full-time employees since graduation, remaining with the company.  Doug Busbee’s main product might be truck parts, but one could say that what his company actually produces is the best of what one can find in a place, and in a family:  belonging, stability, and purpose.  His integration of work, family and town is no surprise given his connection to Wagener:  who better than someone with deep roots to respond thoughtfully and organically to the needs of the town?  Busbee’s Trucks and Parts is not just a business, it’s an integral part of the town of Wagener, adapting to changes and helping to create a better future.

Busbee’s Trucks and Parts:

Town of Wagener, South Carolina:

Solid Advice from a South Carolina Yard

Busbee’s Trucks and Parts

Doug Busbee started Busbee’s Trucks and Parts in 1987 as a small paint and auto body shop, and has seen his business through changes both great and small in his home town of Wagener, South Carolina.  Wagener, a small town with a population that seems to hover around 800, was once busy with work provided by the Wagener Manufacturing Company.  In the late 1990’s, however, the Manufacturing Company closed up shop and left, like so many other companies forced out of business as textile manufacturing moved overseas.  The town lost employment as well as the overall economic activity generated by having a large facility in their midst, and everyone suffered, including Busbee’s.

In 2004, things started to turn around at Busbee’s, not because manufacturing had come back, but rather because Doug was able to see the benefit of change in two different ways:  he started uploading his salvage inventory onto a website on the internet and greatly increased his potential audience.  He also took a chance in 2006 and expanded into medium-duty trucks for his salvage yard.  Now, in 2017, Doug has 20 full-time employees and 3 part-time, up from 6 full-time and 3 part-time in 2004.  Over the past few years, he has been sufficiently confident in the stability of his company to enter into local politics, working to protect the health of the river he has known since his childhood, the Edisto.

Within these 30 years, Doug has seen a lot and learned a lot, and if he were to give advice to someone starting out now in the salvage business, he would say this:

  1. Surround yourself with good people and then take care of them:  In return, they will take care of you.  Certain things are simple:  if you want respect, you must show respect.  (if you take a look at the Busbee website, you will see in the company profile that there is a certain longevity to the employees who are with him, many for at least 5 years and others upwards of 25).
  1. Keep things clean:
  • Your yard: seriously, on a very practical level, keep your yard clean on a consistent basis.  When your trucks come in, drain them as soon as you can.  Keep things organized and manageable, don’t let things pile up or get out of hand.  It’s always easier to get things done right in the beginning than having to go back afterwards and clean up a mess that just expands;
  • Your records: keep your financial records straight and clean.  If you get behind or do things inconsistently, it will catch up with you and it won’t be fun.  This also relates to having good people on board:  whoever is in charge of your records needs to be organized and on top of things.
  1. Embrace change: you will have to change at certain points along the way, and you need to accept this.  If you are resistant to change or don’t see it as a necessity, you won’t progress.  When Busbee took a chance on the internet in 2004, for example, it changed everything.  At the very moment he needed to find a different customer base, the internet gave it to him though his website.  Had he not had the internet, his company would not have survived.  Same thing with taking on the medium duty truck market in 2006:  had he not diversified in this way, he would not have grown the way he has.

If you have been in business for 30 years, you’ll learn a few things along the way, and Doug Busbee is certainly an example of that.  The advice he has to give is solid and based on reality and will steer you in the right direction.